Some great music to go along with the artworks:
Tchaikovsky - 1812 overture (used in V for Vendetta)
been putting this on repeat for today! ^
Norah Jones - The Story

Tchaikovsky - 1812 overture (used in V for Vendetta)
been putting this on repeat for today! ^
Norah Jones - The Story

City-builder on deviantart draws great watercolour landscape paintings. (He's just anybody like you and me, I think. Not an architect either.) Not saying he's the best cause there are like people who does even more amazing stuff but I happened to chance upon his drawings and decided to share them anyway.
Paintings full of details don't really interest me much normally cause the kind of drawings I like are like.. more impressionistic. But he's really quite good with the perspectives (look at the other works) and his attention to detail is jaw opening. God, look at the reflections bouncing off the streets.
Then I saw one artist I really liked on deviantart too: j-hicks
the below 5 are all by him. Nothing can describe how much I like those paintings of his, especially the first three. The blend of colours. Oh God how amazing.
the below 5 are all by him. Nothing can describe how much I like those paintings of his, especially the first three. The blend of colours. Oh God how amazing.
A few more photos from SAM. (took alot but here's only a few,
I'm sure alot of people have seen this at SAM, saying how amazing it was. Its like this column of books with a mirror on the top and bottom so its like seeing a tunnel of books when you look up or down. I had to get a picture of it with myself in it.
Hellyes its a grand piano (decorated of course). & guess what, anybody can play on it so I happily positioned myself on the seat for quite some time playing Debussy pieces.
That was the thing that made my day, not so much of the artworks actually (I did appreciate the artworks much more after I played on it though). The day started out to be a pretty bad one but not after I saw it!
So people, you know what to do when I'm sad, just get me one! Steinway & Sons would do great hahaha.
No I wasn't closing my eyes, it isn't my fault that they're small and they look closed when I was looking down :( Eh there's a person staring?!
kthxbye back to search for more inspiration for the 18 sketches bloody hell. Okay shut up you procrastinator.
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